11:30:282015-12-08 11:30:28Government targets public sector buildings for £295m energy efficiency drive as EU steps up funding
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In the United Kingdom, Athene Capital LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC392085 and registered office at 3 Gough Square, London, EC4A 3DE. Athene Capital LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, reference number 685847. The term Athene Capital (without a suffix such as LLP) refers to the Athene Capital Group, which is a group of companies, entities, people and divisions, including, where the context warrants, Athene Capital LLP, as well as companies and partnerships based in the UK and overseas. Athene Venture Capital, Athene Growth Capital, Athene Energy Capital, Athene Project Capital, Athene Debt Capital, Athene Portfolio Services and other similarly named divisions are divisions of the Athene Capital Group and are neither trading names, nor names of independent entities. Athene Capital Advisors is a trading name of Athene Capital LLP. FCA protections only apply to the Athene Capital LLP’s regulated activities; not all of the Athene Capital LLP’s activities are regulated.
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